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CBD Edibles for High Blood Pressure

CBD Edibles for High Blood Pressure

January 21, 2022

Is CBD Oil a Viable Way to Lower Blood Pressure?

For millions of Americans, high blood pressure is a serious health concern. Although it is possible to lower blood pressure with diet, exercise, and weight loss in certain cases, many people still find themselves going on medication to control their high blood pressure and ultimately lead healthier lives. 

However, an ever-increasing number of high blood pressure patients are looking for natural ways to lower their numbers. While it is important to speak to your doctor before you begin any over-the-counter treatment regimen, it is possible that CBD oil could be a viable way to lower your blood pressure. Read on to learn more.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Before you can begin any form of treatment for high blood pressure, it is imperative to know that is actually what is ailing you. Some of the most common symptoms of this issue are headaches, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, flushing in the face, changes in vision, and unexpected blood in urine. 

If you are suffering from any combination of these problems, it is a good idea to visit a doctor and get checked for hypertension. There are two forms of high blood pressure – primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. The former is the most common. It comes on gradually and can be linked to weight and other factors. The latter is typically the result of congenital defect, alcohol abuse, kidney failure, or another serious condition.

What are the overall benefits of taking CBD oil?

Beginning a CBD oil regimen can have benefits far beyond lowering blood pressure. CBD is one of the active components of cannabis. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can be found in marijuana, however, CBD does not give users “high.”

CBD can be used to aid in the treatment of a number of physical and psychological issues, from hypertension – as this article specifically addresses – to anxiety and depression. CBD is available in many forms, including oil, edibles (i.e. gummies), and capsules. 

Does CBD work to reduce blood pressure?

There have been some promising studies in regard to CBD oil and lower blood pressure. A 2017 study, for instance, found that nine male participants in a focus group all had lower blood pressure after a dose of CBD, whether they were at rest or in stress. 

Three years later, a 2020 study on rats had contradictory results. Researchers noted that CBD oil did not reduce the rats’ blood pressure, but it did function similarly to an antioxidant in their bodies. 

Although the jury is still officially out on how CBD oil and hypertension correlate to one another, this may still be an excellent route for you to consider if you believe your high blood pressure is linked to stress. Again, speak to your cardiologist or primary care physician prior to beginning any over-the-counter medication.

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