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Will CBD Make Me Tired?

December 13, 2021

People are turning to CBD to manage anxiety, chronic pain, and even bad sleep. When you hear that something is used as a sleep aid, it’s easy to assume the product can’t be used without feeling tired. Let’s take a closer look at what CBD is, how it works, and if it really makes you tired or not.

CBD and Drowsiness

CBD is commonly used to help unwind and relax before bedtime. CBD helps to relieve stress, pain, and anxiety from the day. As those feelings subside, drowsiness may start to creep in. CBD promotes better sleep by treating the things that inhibit good sleep. You’ll find it can be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep after using CBD.

Luckily, CBD doesn’t induce sleep itself though. That means that you can use CBD during the day, outside of sleeping hours, without feeling drowsy. There’s no research that supports the fact that CBD makes people excessively tired or drowsy during the day. To put it simply, CBD helps with sleep when you want it to and doesn’t when you don’t!


Cannabis can contain both CBD and THC. While some people use THC as a sleep aid, it isn’t recommended by sleep experts. It’s been proven that high THC levels actually result in less REM sleep each night. Using THC is also more likely to result in a foggy, fatigued, feeling. You may fall asleep quicker, but it will be related to THC intoxication, not actual relaxation and rest.

CBD for Sleep Disorders

CBD is a good treatment option for people suffering from sleep disorders, such as insomnia. CBD targets the cannabinoid system in your brain. That system is responsible for maintaining balance in your body and mind. Sleep disorders are often a result of bad circadian rhythms, and CBD can help correct that at the source. Traditional over-the-counter sleep aids will make you tired and make it easier to sleep, but only while the medication is in your system. Regular CBD use can actually repair your circadian rhythm and correct the sleep disorder for good!

If you’ve never used CBD before, start with a low dose. CBD comes in a variety of forms and doses. Speak with a CBD expert to determine what type of CBD will best address your issues and what size dose you should start with. You can always raise the dose as needed in the future to continue seeing great CBD benefits!

Contact CBD Pros today to learn more about purchasing and dosing CBD in College Station, TX. Rather you’re looking for a good nights sleep or pain relief, CBD is the treatment you’ve been missing.